Open and Affirming

Open and Affirming Statement ~

First Congregational United Church of Christ,
Janesville, Wisconsin:

(Affirmed through Consensus at Membership Ministry, March 25, 2013 & Consistory, May 14, 2013)

“In Christ there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for all are one in Christ Jesus.”  (Galatians 3:28)

In the spirit of Paul’s words in Galatians we recognize, celebrate, and give thanks for the diversity in which God created us, each in God’s image and loved by God.  Through acceptance of all people, we reveal the loving grace of God.

We encourage freedom of expression coming from our varied cultures, and we strive to create a safe place where diversity is honored and welcomed.  We are committed to joining others in caring for the wider community and sharing in the ongoing struggle for truth, wholeness, justice, and peace.

As such, we, the congregation of First Congregational United Church of Christ, Janesville, WI declare ourselves to be Open and Affirming, welcoming into full membership persons of every gender; sexual orientation; gender identity and expression; physical, cognitive, or mental ability; age; race; ethnic background; marital status; and family structure.

In our community of faith, all people are encouraged to participate and share their talents and energy in worship and sacraments, leadership positions, ministry, learning, service, mission, fellowship, responsibilities, and blessings of participation in our congregation.

We affirm committed relationships and partnerships founded on mutual trust, respect, responsibility, nurture, and love.  As followers of Christ we seek by this affirmation to be faithful to his commandment, “love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:1)
